Dog Shrimping- All About Dog Shrimp Position

Dog Shrimping- All About The Dog Shrimp Position

Our dogs lie down and sleep in various positions and some of them may seem crazy sometimes.

My dog usually sleeps normally with its side on the floor, but sometimes it even gets into some crazy positions such as sleeping on the back with all its legs up.

And sometimes it sleeps on its side folding its back legs and tail close to the body. It seems like it is holding its legs and tail with its forelimbs. And my dog usually looks like a fat piece of shrimp in that pose.

I have come across some pet owners who said that even their dogs sleep in that position too, and many images of those dogs seemed funny and cute to me.

Sleeping in that position makes a dog look like a shrimp and hence it is called the dog shrimp position.

But is this position normal? Do all dogs sleep in this position? Let us have a look at this article…


Dog shrimping- What does it mean exactly?

The word dog shrimping is used by the internet community when the dog sleeps in a position where it tucks its tail and back limbs together close to the body. And in this position, the dog looks like a shrimp.

Dog Shrimping- All About Dog Shrimp Position

pic credit: Marco Verch

I have heard many different names from dog owners for this position such as toes to the nose, doggy fetus, and rounded half. Although there are many names, dog shrimping is the word that is commonly used when dogs sleep in this position.


Is dog shrimping normal?

Dogs usually sleep in many different poses and this shrimp position is not a common one among them. Moreover, all dogs may not feel comfortable sleeping in this position.

I have noticed my Labrador sleeping in this position, although Labs usually do not sleep in this position. I have also heard of Chihuahuas, Shiba Inu, and even greyhounds sleeping in this shrimp position.

But usually, whippets sleep in this kind of position. Whippets are a medium size breed of dogs descended from greyhounds.


Reasons for dog shrimping?

Every sleeping position of your dog can tell a lot about him/her. The way your dog is feeling, the state of its physical and mental health, and of course a lot about its personality.

Then what does this shrimping position mean? Is there a reason behind your dog shrimping?


 1. Temperature

This dog shrimping position is almost similar to the donut position.

Sleeping in this position means that your dog is protecting itself from the environment around it.

If it is too cold outside, your dog might sleep in this position to preserve its body heat and keep itself a bit warmer.

It is a form of adjusting itself to cold temperatures. So your dog could be sleeping in this position when the weather is cold outside.


 2. New environment

If you are in a new place or when your dog sleeps in a new environment, you might notice your dog sleeping in this position.

Your dog might sleep in this position when your dog feels to protect itself from its surroundings. It means that your dog is trying to get used to the new surrounding environment.


 3. Habit

Sleeping in this position could not be because of any specific reason. It could also be just because of habit.

Your dog might be sleeping in this position as it might have gotten habituated to sleeping in this position. Even this could be a reason for your dog’s shrimping position.


Is dog shrimp position a good position for sleeping

Dog Shrimping- All About Dog Shrimp Position

There is no good or bad regarding the sleeping positions of dogs. They sleep in positions that are comfortable for them.

Hence some positions indicate that the dog is comfortable sleeping and some indicate that the dog is not as comfortable as it should be.

Hence you as a dog owner, should understand about your dog’s sleeping position and make sure that its discomfort is reduced.

Although your dog might look funny or cute in this shrimp position, it is an indication that it is seeking more protection or warmth from its surrounding environment.

You need to try to figure out the reasons why your dog is seeking more safety and try to provide the comfort essential to your dog.

If it is the issue of temperature, you need to make sure that the place it sleeps is made a bit warmer. If it is a new place, try to make the place familiar and habituated to your dog.


Other sleeping positions good for your dog


 1. Side sleeper pose

This is a common sleeping position that indicates that your dog is relaxed and comfortable.

It means that your dog feels comfortable with regard to its surrounding temperature and the surrounding environment.

You might have noticed your dog dreaming, moving its legs in the dream, and twitching. These kinds of behaviors indicate that your dog is in a state of deep sleep and this usually happens in this side sleeper position.


2 . Sleeping on the back or belly up pose

If your dog lays its back on the ground with its paws extended in the air, it shows a sign of true comfort.

This is one of the best poses that indicate a sign of the truly relaxed state of your dog.

If your dog sleeps in this position, it indicates that your dog has complete trust with respect to the surrounding environment including the people around him.


 3. Back-to-back or Cuddler pose

This is one of the most loving positions. Your dog might sleep back to back with another dog or it might cuddle against you in this position.

This position indicates a sign of true intimacy, love, and bonding. This position indicates that your dog wants to cuddle with you out of love and bonding.

If your dog sleeps along with you on your bed, this could be a great position to sleep.